Please find information on operational petrol station and mechanical workshop in Ballarat.
Freehold Land and Business.
2 Titles.
Great Development opportunity. General Residential Zone with Multitude of Uses STCA.
Independent Petrol Station and Workshop
Service Centre
Golden Point (Ballarat) Victoria
Asking $1.8 Million Ex GST with vacant possession. Negotiable
Land Size: 1355 Sq Metres
Zone: Gen residential
Built 1960’s
2 Access/Driveways on main street and 1 Access /Driveway on the side street.
Sells average 50,000 Ltr Per Month – no signage or branding. Mechanical workshop is primary focus.
(Petrogas fuel supplier)
Vendor has owned property for over 25 Years.
Mechanic by trade and focus on the workshop.
No traffic count on that particular road – but surrounding roads are noted see attached.
2 steel tanks
ULP 20,000
PULP 10,000
No Diesel
No Tank/Line Testing or ESA reports available.