Lowest Price BP Petrol Station Roadhouse, Freehold and Business. Near Toowoomba Queensland

Highway Location
1.3 Hours from Toowoomba.
3 Acres
Includes 2 Bedroom Unit

Asking $399,000 – All inclusive.

Update the Truck Stop Area with lounge and improved amenities. 
Expand the Food offering and Add new menu – will have more truck trade, more passing traffic and of course more local trade enter the store.
Needs more grocery and convenience store items. 
Was BP Branded site. Vendor closed store during COVID lockdown.
Was not run to full potential – Average Shop sales were $20,000 per month
Average Fuel sales were 80,000 Litres per month.
All Equipment and Shop Fit Out is included in the sale, Point of Sale, Shelving and Counters, 3 Pumps.

Store is ready to go!

There are 2 underground tanks:
ULP            10,000 Litres
PULP 98     10,000 Litres
All genuine Offers will Be Considered.